New DropShipping

Drop Shipment Program is now launched with InfraredSaunaParts to give the initiative to those willing to sell our array of products without the hassles of tracking the inventory, setting up warehouse space, and maintaining a confusing shipping/receiving infrastructure.

Our drop shipping system works as follows - the shipping of merchandise is made directly to a retailer's customer. Thus, you as a retailer can ship to your customers directly from our warehouses without needing to invest large amounts of money. This process minimizes the risk to you because you do not need to buy the product until it is sold. While you purchase products at wholesale pricing and set your own retail prices, InfraredSaunaParts takes care of the warehousing, packaging, and shipping of products, saving you a great deal of money.

The beauty of this system is that you are the retailer and you have full control of where you sell the item. Whether you establish accounts on sites such as Ebay, Amazon, Craiglist, or etc., does not matter, we will always have your merchandise in stock and available for shipment. You have no obligation to worry about when it comes to shipping or handling, yet InfraredSaunaParts is not held liable for the retailer’s expenses for posting and selling the items. InfraredSaunaParts “drop shipping” lets you sell quality brand-name products and gain profit.